Picture Pick FriYAY: San Francisco, Ca

San Francisco Bridge

Notice that I changed the title from Pic Pick Friyay to Picture Pick FriYAY? I had a couple people comment that the first title was confusing and looked like a typo, so hopefully the new title is better. (Thank you for the feedback!)


This week’s Picture Pick FriYAY is all about San Francisco. We visited San Fran when we went to Petaluma California for my brother’s wedding. San Francisco is a wonderful city, one that I would like to explore more some day. These pictures were taken in September, 2012.















Happy FriYAY!



Author: Rachel McKee

I love reading about everything. I'm not a book snob. Lately I have been "reading" a lot of picture books to my toddler and baby. In my past life before motherhood, I was a professional technical editor and writer.

18 thoughts on “Picture Pick FriYAY: San Francisco, Ca”

  1. Great pictures! My mother and I took a trip to San Francisco last September. It’s so beautiful there. Ghiradelli Square and the seals were two of my favorite sites. 🙂 We took a wine tour one day through Napa Valley and we got to visit three vineyards. We still have a couple bottles of the Zinfindel Port. (It was a little boutique winery where you can ONLY buy their wine through them because they had such high demand that they had to manage it somehow)

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    1. Isn’t San Fran so much fun? How fun you did a mother daughter trip. I love the state of California. We did wine tasting in Nappa Valley too, actually my brother and his wife were married on a beautiful winery there. Maybe their wedding pictures will be featured next week. Thank you for stopping by. 😆


      1. I know! My mom has already made a list for the next time. It includes: The Mission District and Muir Woods. One thing is for sure. She will not be walking up Lombard Street AGAIN!

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  2. Thank you all for the nice comments on the photos! I really appreciate that they now have a great home online and can spark conversations, rather then just collecting dust on the home hard drive! And I love to see which ones illuminatedliteration picks each week! 😃

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