Writer. Avid Reader. Tea Junkie. Day Dreamer.

Illuminated: to make lucid or clear; throw light on (a subject).

Literation: the representation of sound or words by letters.

The purpose of this blog is to share, motivate, and encourage one another in our artistic endeavors.

Only positive vibes will do.


Currently seeking representation for two children book manuscripts:

Elsie Goes to Work. Word count 855.

Elsie dreams of having a rosebush of her own, but after working all day in the mud and muck at a plant nursery, she realizes having a job is harder than she thought.

Mrs. Irish’s Cottage. Word count 1,036.

When Anna visits her friend Mrs. Irish at her cottage deep in the woods, Anna learns that Mrs. Irish is much more than just a little old lady. She uses her magic to protect the village from mischievous fairies that lurk in the shadows. Now Mrs. Irish is sick and needs Anna’s help to make the cure for her cold so she can continue her work. Anna has to battle troublesome fairies and cantankerous cats to help her friend. A big adventure for one little girl.

-Rachel McKee


Twitter: @Rachel__McKee

Instagram: Illuminated_Literation

For freelance work and other queries please email me at: rachelrmckee@yahoo.com.


48 thoughts on “Writer. Avid Reader. Tea Junkie. Day Dreamer.”

  1. I hope for you what you hope for you, since all you hope for is definitely possible. I love to read as well. It may not always be a book, but I’m am reading something. For instance, I probably read 20-30 blog posts a day. Once a month, me and a girl friend have “Sunday Book Club.” We have read quite a few interesting books over the past three years. Book nerd? What does that actually mean any way???

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    1. Hi sparkyjen, I’ve found so many interesting writers since I started this blog. I’ve also found a lot of people who love books as much as I do. That’s great that you have a book club. My hope for this blog is to have a book club feature. Where people from all over the world can read and discuss books. When I described myself as a “book nerd” I guess I was trying to highlight why people called me a nerd. A lot of my peers didn’t understand or share my passion for reading and made me feel ostracized at times. What are some of your favorite books you have read lately?


      1. I’m currently reading Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion ad Captivation, and Trust: Mastering the 4 Essential Trusts…, and The Art of Racing in the Rain. There are several here that are non and one fiction. I like to mix it up.

        Favorites of 2015: Quaker Cafe and One Thousand White Women: The Journal of May Dodd.

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  2. Hi Rachel. I was hoping to comment on a couple of your posts but for some reason couldn’t figure out how – not sure if me being dumb or your theme not being too helpful. Either way, keep up the blogging, and your other writing, too. It’s so impressive that you’re able to do all of this with a little one that needs constant care and attention!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi thank you so much for reading! Yeah some of these themes are tricky to find the comment section. I think on the desk top version it’s to the left underneath the post information, and on the mobile version you may have to hit the “share” button for the comment thread. When I look at it the comment option shows at the bottom, but it may be because I’m admin (?). Anyway, thank you for stopping by! 🙂


      1. Ok, I just looked at how to leave a comment and you have to go to the bottom of the post, it’s the last item on the post information it will say x amount of comments. “Click” the word comment and then you can leave one. It’s the same on the desktop version only to the left of the post. It’s tricky, I may need to change my theme. I appreciate the feedback!


  3. hi there got your blog of the community pool. i love your passion i wish i had this when i was small. i liked kids that did. i did have lots of books and loved but did not … well … anyway i did what i did now i do what i do. he he he hope to see you on the blogospere following you 🙂 blessings peace 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Rachel,
    Thanks for connecting. Your Blog is really nice and well done. You’re working on a YA novel! I hope its coming along as you wish. I’ve been TRYING to get a YA short story published with absolutely zero success. I’m still trying. I really like the story, but it’s too long for most journals (over 9,000 words). I’m going more for the lit market myself, and like you I’m seriously thinking of the self-publishing route. The trad bunch are ruthless. I’ve just written a new York journal to return another story that I had sent them five months ago. I don’t know. I keep writing and that’s the important thing. But please keep me posted on your progress. And believe me when I say: I’m definitely on your side!

    Oh, great pics. and love the dog! And the baby’s way too cute!

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    1. Hey that’s awesome that you completed a story and you are sending it out. That is something to celebrate and be proud of. At the beginning of the year I was producing personal essays one after another and I was sending them out and hearing nothing. It was so incredibly frustrating. Finally a website picked up a few of my pieces and it was awesome. I was so excited that hundreds of people were reading my essays. Embarking on this YA novel has been intimidating. I’m much more comfortable writing short essays, so this has been such a crazy adventure. I’m kind of terrified of sending it out, but I have a long way to go before I start sending it out. I am only half way done with the first draft and I have a lot of re-writing to do and then I need a few generous souls to read and edit it. I am hoping to have it publish-ready a year from now. I hope someone picks up your YA story, if not are you thinking of publishing it on your blog? I’m debating between actually going through all of the self-publishing fees and hurdles or just publishing on my blog. You may send it out to 99 people, but for some reason it’s that 100th person that picks it up, you just never know. Submissions are a total crap-shoot and you never know when you will get your break. Just keep writing like you said, that IS the most important thing. I’m looking forward to exploring your blog!

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      1. Thank you so much for the kind words. Yeah, it’s a long road, but the journey is 99 percent of the fun!

        Oh, I’ll let you know now, that once you’ve gotten to the re-write stage, I’ll be happy to be one of your beta readers. I’ve done it once before and it was really interesting to watch the whole process flow along.

        As for my own YA story, I don’t think I want to publish it on my blog just yet. I’m gonna keep sending it out, and you’re right it may be that 100th person. The one person who connects with the narrative. And meanwhile keep on writing.

        Again thanks, and I’m really glad to have you as a blogging friend.

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      2. Hi Paul, thank you so much for volunteering to be a beta reader, I will let you know when I’m ready for a second set of eyes – that’s very generous of you. Good for you, keep sending it out! I’m also glad we are blog buddies now.😄

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  5. Hi Rachel, spotted you on the Community Pool and thought this sounds like one of my key interests…well, writing and such. Lovely blog and looking forward to reading more reviews. Like many I’m at a manuscript stage looking at publishing and thinking eeek!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Is it all luck or down to whether of not the agent perusing it is in a good mood or a bad one? I sometimes wonder !! although as yet I am devising a synopsis. Close but procrastinating and thus far far away 🙂

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      2. Ha! I’ve often wondered the same thing. With my essays it just took the right editor to “click” and it was totally unexpected. I hope we both find the right publisher when it’s time. 😄

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      3. I’ve seen a few people thinking the same too. I guess it’s easy to give up submitting to quickly and turn towards self publishing or enter the realm of vanity press. Not entertaining the latter myself but I can see why some might end up doing it. I think you are right though. It’s perseverance and having enough faith in what you write to keep going until the moment it crosses the right agents path and that click occurs. I also hope we find that path and can maintain optimism until it occurs 😊

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      4. That is most generous my new blogging friend. I found out yesterday I have been following yours for ages…and am now at a loss to explain why I’ve not been commenting before!!
        Excellent to hear too…I think positive words are most useful sometimes just to keep one pointing in the right direction!

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      5. That is a really good reminder that occasionally it’s OK to have self belief. I find writing really hard though. I just can’t bring myself to pat my own back or think ooh that’s brilliant. And yet we are supposed to sell ourselves to agents! Sch a conundrum….I may print that out and stick it above my desk!!!

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  6. Hi Rachel, great to have met you on Community Pool! I’ve realised that certain aspects of our sites bear an uncanny resemblance (particularly the tag line, where all three words in yours also appear in mine 😛 ) Also love the photography element, always good to have the hubby as a bit of extra (free) help!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey!
    Just swam over from the community pool to your blog and I’m glad I did. I’m an absolute book worm too so I’ll be looking forward to your book progress (sounds exciting) and your book reviews! I can’t image my life without reading so I can totally relate 🙂

    P.S I love your featured image!

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  8. Rachel, I’m preparing a blog post with a panel of 4-5 writers. I will provide 5 quotes from famous authors with a couple of questions related to each quote. I’m looking for thoughtful writers/bloggers to respond, and I would love to bring you on board! I know the holidays are a hectic time for everyone, so I don’t plan on publishing this post until mid-January. Would you be interested?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lovely read! Best of luck with your stories! 😀

    If you like, I was going to link to your blog for my next Sunshine Blogger Award. No need to participate in the personal quiz if you’d prefer not to, but would you like your blog signposted for new readers to check out?

    Liked by 1 person

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