A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love

A woman pressed her finger into the inky blue night sky.

You too left tiny fingerprints on my soul – a constant reminder that I am not myself only.

The two best aspects of my being walk side-by-side. They call me “Mom”.

My heart still beats beside you as it did the first nine months.

You are never alone. My thoughts are always with you.

We see stars that have extinguished years ago. Still burning bright.

When I am gone, may you still hear my heartbeat, feel the brush of my fingertips on your brow.

May the light of my love never burn out, but always guide you.

-Rachel McKee

guradian angel

Author: Rachel McKee

I love reading about everything. I'm not a book snob. Lately I have been "reading" a lot of picture books to my toddler and baby. In my past life before motherhood, I was a professional technical editor and writer.

12 thoughts on “A Mother’s Love”

  1. Thanks for sharing this very intimate post. I think it’s always good to be reminded that we are never alone (even though sometimes we feel totally isolated and insecure), especially when the message has been so powerfully articulated to us.

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