Prayers At Night

The moon paints a silver path

along the river that sings hymns to my heart.

Following the path with my eyes,

my sinful soul could never walk on water.

I gaze at the holy trail that divides

an army of dark giants,

guarding the snow-capped temple.

On a pew of river rock, I fall to my knees.



Rachel McKee



White columns with perfumed flowers,

surround a sitar player in the night.

The opal moon crosses the ocean,

sneaking up behind her,

shining on the golden leaves that are her hair.

A canary pupil perches on her shoulder,

learning the magical music she creates.

The sitar player is neither woman nor beast,

merely part of the jungle.

This young man is easily enchanted.

Like many before me,

I follow her lure.


-Rachel McKee



Airport Art: Taijitu


Airport Art: Taijitu

The black horse falls,

in a twisting stand-still motion.

Miniature men holding strong,

with ropes of desperation.

The white horse climbs,

up the bodies of small men.

Struggling past the black horse,

a battle locked in time.

Neither the victor,

stuck in limbo.

The power is balanced.

I wrote this poem when I was eighteen or nineteen years old. I was sitting in the airport waiting to board my plane to Massachusetts. I was writing a story for an English class when I noticed a painting on the wall. I flipped to a blank page in my notebook and started jotting down a poem to describe the painting. There were two horses, one black, and one white. The two horses were much larger than the men that were trying to catch the black horse as he fell, and the men who were trying to restrain the white horse as he climbed upward. I can still picture ever detail ten years later. The painting was vividly violent, but a beautiful display of power and struggle.

I’ve tried to find the painting over the years with no such luck.

-Rachel McKee

Cover Image Found Here.

Horse Image Found Here.

The Joining of Soldier & Writer

The Joining of Soldier & Writer

We’ll bungle their plans and crumble their wall.

I’ll wear a coat of deception;

you wear your ink-smeared shawl.

Come to me through the spruce trees,

you’ll know the place where water falls.

We’ll meet as soldier to writer;

together we will answer the epochal call.


Photo Credit Courtesy of Miles McKee Photography