Why I Won’t Illustrate My Picture Books

In my last post I shared a new project that I will be working on. I decided to take a break from novel-writing and write a few picture books that have been churning in the back of my brain.

I’ve since written two picture book manuscripts. A few people have asked if I will be illustrating the books myself.

That’s a solid nope!

Here’s why:


Yep, that was illustrated by yours truly. If I didn’t write “Meow!” you would probably be confused as to whether this is a mouse, bear, rabbit, possibly a bat, or a cat.

Have a lovely day folks, and rest easy knowing that the future generation will not be subjected to my crazy illustrations.

-Rachel McKee

Author: Rachel McKee

I love reading about everything. I'm not a book snob. Lately I have been "reading" a lot of picture books to my toddler and baby. In my past life before motherhood, I was a professional technical editor and writer.

8 thoughts on “Why I Won’t Illustrate My Picture Books”

  1. Nice! Haha, you are miles ahead of me in the drawing department there. I would be presenting you with a stick figure, for everything! Will you be looking to publish your picture books too?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha! 🙂 I’m not the best artist, either (I like to pretend). Generally, if it’s a tree, it does look like a tree, but that’s pretty much the extent of my abilities. 🙂

    There’s a self-published writer I know named Jeff Coleman who works with illustrators for some of his books. That’s another option to consider. Obviously it involves more money, but you’d certainly get more personalized service.

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