Four Reasons To Make Time For Your Soul Friends

I spent a lot of time with my girls this weekend. I am lucky to have many groups of friends, but these are my soul friends. I have known these women since high school, and a couple since first grade. They are the friends that are family, who know me better than I know myself at times. The friends who call my bullshit and know how to calm my deepest fears. They always have my back, and I theirs. Anyway, you get the point.

We all get busy with our own lives (family, work, etc.) but it’s important to us that we make time to see each other. They are a critical part of my life. Urban Dictionary describes the word framily as, “When friends become like family, they’re framily. closer than close, they may know you better than your own family.” I think that sums up our relationship better than any other word.

Here are four reasons why we all need to make time for our soul friends.


Only you and your soul friends find your shared stories: ab-ripping, snorting, pee-your-pants funny. You are the group of girls at a restaurant that people request not to be seated by because you are laughing so loud and obnoxiously that they can’t enjoy their meal. Talking with your soul friends is intoxicating.

group photo saltys


Your soul friends help you discover your deepest worries and fears, and better yet, they help you to solve them.

paddle boarding


Your soul friends will tell you the ugly truth, and love you anyway.



Your soul friends will believe in your dreams, even when you can’t possibly see how you will achieve them. By watching your soul friends succeed you revel in their success. You celebrate every acheivement with your soul friends.

Wedding At Whistler

Always make time for your “framily”. Fight for these friendships.

Love & Cheers,

Rachel McKee

Author: Rachel McKee

I love reading about everything. I'm not a book snob. Lately I have been "reading" a lot of picture books to my toddler and baby. In my past life before motherhood, I was a professional technical editor and writer.

24 thoughts on “Four Reasons To Make Time For Your Soul Friends”

  1. So True! My soul friends have been there through thick and thin! I have an entry that I’m working on that is along the same line. I can’t wait to share it. Great pictures!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. True. I suppose I kind of do have one, namely my fellow change bell ringers. We are a tight knit group, we just all live far apart and we don’t get to see each other much.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh it is. We hold ringing festivals at our respective bell towers and it is fun traveling to see each other and we always have fun. Ringing, food and drink and just general BS. I just wish I could afford to travel more and go to them more often.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It is. Do you know much about change ringing? If not you can find videos of it all over YouTube. It is a fun and unique hobby.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Change ringing involves taking a set of tuned bells and ringing mathematical patterns on them. The bells we use for change ringing are hung in a frame with a rope and wheel around it that allows the bell to make a full revolution every pull of the rope. This doesn’t allow us to play tunes but we can ring them to various patterns of permutations called methods. It is a team activity as each bell requires its own person due to the weight and inertia. It sounds simple but is actually very challenging to do well!

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      5. Wow! That’s sounds really fascinating. I don’t doubt that it requires a lot of skill: math, coordination, and patience? It’s like a manifestation of the things I’m the worst at! But I’m really intrigued. I’m going to go check it out.


      6. Honestly the “math” is just pattern memorization. If you can count using the natural numbers that’s all you really need unless you get into composition which gets way deep into set theory and such.

        Physical coordination? Yes, but I have taught several to ring and nobody I have attempted to teach was totally inept at it. Some take longer than others but I’ve yet to meet someone who couldn’t get that part of it.

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      7. My husband and I are watching a change ringing video by Simon Foundation on You Tube. It’s really cool, we both find it really interesting. Now we are watching a video with 8 bells and four people. The level of concentration is impressive.


      8. Change ringing on handbells is usually done two per person and that is intense concentration. There are some hotshot ringers who handle two tower bells too. I don’t see how they do it. I do good to handle one tower bell hah.

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